
娄敏, 杨香华, 姚光庆, 姜平, 邱凌越

娄敏, 杨香华, 姚光庆, 姜平, 邱凌越. 涠西南凹陷流三段储层成岩相分析与甜点储层预测[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2020, 40(3): 171-184. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2019072202
引用本文: 娄敏, 杨香华, 姚光庆, 姜平, 邱凌越. 涠西南凹陷流三段储层成岩相分析与甜点储层预测[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2020, 40(3): 171-184. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2019072202
LOU Min, YANG Xianghua, YAO Guangqing, JIANG Ping, QIU Lingyue. Diagenetic facies analysis and sweet point reservoir prediction for the 3rd Member of Liushagang Formation in the Weixinan Sag[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2020, 40(3): 171-184. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2019072202
Citation: LOU Min, YANG Xianghua, YAO Guangqing, JIANG Ping, QIU Lingyue. Diagenetic facies analysis and sweet point reservoir prediction for the 3rd Member of Liushagang Formation in the Weixinan Sag[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2020, 40(3): 171-184. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2019072202


基金项目: 国家科技重大专项“北部湾盆地、珠江口盆地古近系低渗储层成岩作用和储层特征研究”(2016ZX05024-006)


  • 中图分类号: P744

Diagenetic facies analysis and sweet point reservoir prediction for the 3rd Member of Liushagang Formation in the Weixinan Sag

  • 摘要: 根据岩心、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、阴极发光、X衍射等资料并结合物性资料,对北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷流三段储层的储层特征、成岩作用特点进行了研究。结果表明研究区压实作用强烈是储层致密化的主要原因。胶结作用对储层有一定的破坏作用,但是早期碳酸盐胶结、自生高岭石有利于优质储层的发育。溶蚀作用是优质储层发育的基础,破裂作用改善了储层的渗流能力。在成岩作用研究的基础上,根据成岩作用的强度及特殊成岩矿物,划分了五类成岩相。其中,弱压实弱胶结相物性最好,中等压实中等溶蚀相、强压实中强溶蚀相物性次之,压实充填相和碳酸盐致密胶结相物性最差。通过成岩相的测井响应分析,识别了单井-剖面-平面的成岩相。预测研究区东部辫状河三角洲浅埋藏储层、西北部扇三角洲和西南部扇三角洲的水下分流河道中厚层砂砾岩体储层为甜点发育区。
    Abstract: Data from cores, casting thin sections, scanning electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence and X-ray diffraction are applied to study the petrological characteristics and diagenesis of the reservoirs of the 3rd Member of the Liushagang Formation in the Weixinan Sag of Beibu Gulf Basin. Special attention is paid to diagenesis and its evolutionary stages. It is found that strong compaction is the main reason for density and tightness increase of the sediments. Cementation seems to have certain negative impact to reservoir properties, but the early carbonate cementation and authigenic kaolinite always have close connections with high-quality reservoirs. Dissolution is a basic process for enhancement of reservoir qualities, and fractures may improve the permeability of reservoir rocks. According to the intensity of diagenesis and the composition of diagenetic minerals, five types of diagenetic facies are qualitatively recognized. Among them, the diagenetic facies of weak compaction and weak cementation are the best for hydrocarbon accumulation, followed by the medium compaction and medium dissolution facies, and the strong compaction and medium to strong dissolution facies. The compaction and filling facies and the densely carbonate cemented facies are listed the worst in quality. Five types of logging curves are selected to define and describe the diagenetic facies. With the spatial distribution of diagenetic facies, it is recognized that the shallow buried deltaic reservoirs in the east of the study area, and the thick conglomerate reservoir of underwater distributary channel facies in northwest and southwest fan deltas are the sweet points of reservoirs in the study area.
  • 图  1   涠西南凹陷流三段砂岩类型三角图


    Figure  1.   The Q-F-R diagram of the sandstone in Weixinan Sag

    Ⅰ-Quartz arenite,Ⅱ-Subarkose,Ⅲ-Sublitharenite,Ⅳ-Arkose,Ⅴ-Lithic arkose,Ⅵ-Feldspathic litharenite,Ⅶ-Litharenite.

    图  2   研究区流三段储层孔隙类型

    A. 原生粒间孔和粒间溶孔 (WZB-3-3井,2 172.1 m,单偏光);B. 铸模孔和粒内溶孔 (WZC-2-3井,3 229.53 m,单偏光);C. 石英发育微裂缝 (WZC-4N-1井,2 114 m,单偏光);D. 高岭石晶间孔 (WZC-7-1井,2 506.64 m,扫描电镜);E. 伊利石晶间孔 (WZC-2-3井,3 225.82 m,扫描电镜);F. 伊蒙混层晶间孔 (WZC-2-3井,3 232.85 m,扫描电镜。

    Figure  2.   The pore types of the reservoirs in study area

    图  3   涠西南凹陷流三段储层压汞曲线类型

    Figure  3.   The mercury injection curve types of the reservoirs in the study area

    图  4   涠西南凹陷流三段储层物性分布直方图

    Figure  4.   The physical property distribution of the reservoirs in the study area

    图  5   涠西南凹陷流三段储层成岩作用类型

    Mc-云母,Cc-方解石,K-高岭石,Q-石英。A. 压实作用将云母颗粒压弯,颗粒定向排列 (WZC-2-2井,3 151.28 m,正交光);B. 早期方解石胶结,多呈连晶基底式产出 (WSA-5-2井,1 235.69 m,单偏光);C. 铁方解石交代长石 (WZB-3W-1井,2 061.24 m,单偏光);D. 早期高岭石边缘呈锯齿状,晶间孔发育,晶体受后期压实变形 (WSA-6-2井,1 048 m,扫描电镜);E. 晚期高岭石晶体边缘平直,晶间孔发育,晶体没变形 (WZD-11-4井,2 272.98 m,扫描电镜);F. 丝缕状伊利石 (WZC-8-2井,3 001.4 m,扫描电镜);G. 粒表大量针叶状绿泥石、片丝状伊利石、自生石英晶体 (WZC-2-2井,3 156.19 m,扫描电镜);H. 自生石英与高岭石伴生 (WZE-3-2井,3 407.8 m,扫描电镜);I. 发育石英微裂缝 (WZC-4N-1井,2 114 m,单偏光)。

    Figure  5.   The types of diagenesis of the reservoirs in the study area

    图  6   胶结物含量和粒间体积交会图

    Figure  6.   The crossplot of cement content and interparticle volume

    图  7   碳酸盐胶结物含量对物性的影响

    Figure  7.   The influence of carbonate cement content on physical property of reservoirs

    图  8   黏土矿物含量与储层孔隙度的关系

    Figure  8.   The relationship between clay content and reservoir porosity

    图  9   涠西南凹陷流三段储层压实率、胶结率和视溶蚀率分布图

    Figure  9.   The distribution of compacted rate,cementation rate and dissolution rate of the reservoirs in the study area

    图  10   各类成岩相测井参数交会图

    Figure  10.   Logging crossplots for diagenetic facies in study area

    图  11   WZB-3W-1井成岩相预测效果对比图

    Figure  11.   The column diagram of diagenetic facies

    图  12   单井成岩相图

    Figure  12.   Vertical distribution of diagenetic facies of WZB-3-1 and WZB-3-3

    图  13   涠洲B-3井区成岩相连井剖图

    Figure  13.   The diagenetic facies in Weizhou B-3 well area

    图  14   涠西南凹陷流三段上下层序成岩相平面图

    FD. 扇三角洲,BD. 辫状河三角洲,SLF. 湖底扇,DL. 半深-深湖,SL. 滨浅湖,AP. 冲积平原。

    Figure  14.   The spatial distribution of diagenetic facies in the study area

    表  1   成岩相划分依据

    Table  1   The classification of diagenetic facies of the reservoirs

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    表  2   各类成岩相的测井值范围

    Table  2   The Logging ranges for different diagenetic facies

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-07-21
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