
Response of alluvial fans to climatic changes and fault activities in the north front of South Yongchang Mountains, Northeast margin of Tibet Plateau

  • 摘要: 永昌南山位于河西走廊东段,北麓受丰乐断裂控制。丰乐断裂是祁连山东北缘冲断带的重要组成部分, 其晚第四纪活动地表行迹西起西大河东到西营河,2期普遍发育地貌面被错断并形成明显断层陡坎。用无人机对杜家团庄、周家庄、西营河河口3个地点进行航空测量,生成数字高程模型(DEM),提取各阶地和洪积扇的断层陡坎剖面,并对断层上下盘面进行线性拟合,计算得到了不同位置的垂直断距。在杜家团庄洪积扇T1和东大河阶地T3砾石层顶部采集黄土样品,用光释光方法测得年龄分别为(19.30±2.45)ka和(27.40±2.47)ka,结合前人测年结果,认为永昌南山北麓普遍发育的两期地貌面年龄分别为19.3~16.3ka和29.9~27.4ka,两期地貌面均形成于气候由冷变暖的过渡阶段。利用地貌面陡坎的位错量和年代数据,得到晚更新世以来丰乐断裂在杜家团庄处的垂直滑动速率为0.65~0.82mm/a,在周家庄处的垂直滑动速率为0.60~0.76mm/a,在西营河河口处的垂直滑动速率为1.99~2.56mm/a。


    Abstract: Abstract: The South Yongchang Mountains are located in the east part of the Hexi Corridor and controlled by the Fengle fault in the north. The Fengle fault, an important one of the Qilian Mountains thrust belt on the northern east margin of the Tibet Plateau, stretches from the Xida River in the west to the Xiying River in the east. Two surfaces of the Late Quaternary alluvial fans are cut off by the fault and formed fault scarps. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) scanning was implemented to generate the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the alluvial fans in the Dujiatuan village, Zhoujia village and the terraces of Xiying River in mountain estuary. Linear regressions were performed both on hanging wall and foot wall of the fault to obtain the offsets. Loess samples, collected from T1, the top of gravel layer of the Dujiatuan village alluvial fan and Dongda river terrace T3, were dated by stimulated luminescence (OSL), and ages of 19.30±2.45ka and 27.40±2.47ka are gained. Combining with published dating ages, the ages of the 2 alluvial fans in the north front of the South Yongchang Mountains are suggested to be 19.3~16.3ka and 29.9~27.4ka, respectively, formed during the transition from cold to warm climate. Based on the offsets and dating results, we obtained that since the last stage of the Late Pleistocene, the vertical slip rate of the Fengle fault in the Dujiatuan village, Zhoujia village and Xiying river estuary are 0.65~0.82, 0.60~0.76 and 1.99~2.56mm/a respectively.


